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Category: Personal

How I Made This Blog?

[2023-08-16] I’ve switched to the anubis theme in favor of more minimal design, and light/dark mode support. [2020-05-14] After the release of Github Actions i refactored this project to work with it instead of wercker. Blog posts and configuration for the Hugo is stored under the source branch of Yengas/, Github Actions builds and pushes html/css/js files on the master branch of the same repository. I haven’t been designing any GUI’s since i switched from Web development to other platforms.


Hello, I’m Yiğitcan! For over a decade, I’ve been involved in software development, working with both corporate and startup companies, developing for different platforms like web, mobile, and desktop. Typescript, NodeJS, Golang, and Java are some of the technologies I frequently use. Building meaningful products as a team is one of my favorite things to do. Whether it’s designing backend architecture, engaging with cloud-native technologies, or experimenting with something new, learning and solving problems together is what motivates me most in the software world.